Meet the Healer

Find Healing through Jesus Christ

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Love Heals

“How glorious the splendour of a human heart that trusts that it is loved!”

~ Brennan Manning

Unconditional love and trust seem to be two halves of a whole. When we truly know that we are loved, self acceptance and trust naturally evolve.

Building Trust

When praying for strangers, I’m aware of the need to build trust with people first, by making conversation, perhaps sharing a joke, and reassuring them that I’m not trying to sell them anything.

Understandably, many people don’t want to draw attention to themselves or display their emotions in public, and I do my best to be discreet and sensitive when praying. However, sometimes the people with the toughest exteriors are visibly touched by God’s love, and fight back tears, as they encounter his presence.

Recently, we prayed for an older lady in the marketplace, who was quite reserved and a little suspicious of us at first. She told us her name was Connie, and after chatting a while, she revealed that she had pain in her neck. She then allowed us to lay hands on her to pray.

After prayer, there was no difference to the pain. Sometimes people experience healing later, so we told her this, and we also said that God loves her and cares about her.

Healed Second Time Around

Connie was sitting on a bench in the marketplace a couple of weeks or so later, drinking tea and smoking a cigarette, after finishing her shopping. We approached her and asked how her neck was doing. “No better,” she replied. We asked permission to pray again. Connie nonchalantly agreed to this.

My friend placed his hand on her shoulder and I placed my hand on the base of her neck. She told us the pain was a level four on a scale of one to ten. After praying, Connie slowly moved her head from side to side, and then we saw the first proper smile break out on her face.

The pain had completely disappeared! Connie’s delight was evident; her natural reserve and guarded manner melted away.


“Did one of you touch my head?” Connie asked, placing her hand near the top of her imagehead, to show us the exact location. Neither of us had placed our hands there; my hand had been the closest, being at the bottom of Connie’s neck, but still quite a distance away from her head.

Something significant happened, that I have no concrete explanation for. Connie had felt a hand touch her near the top of her head, and it had affected her deeply; her whole countenance had changed. This was more than a physical healing; change occurred on the inside, too. I believe Jesus touched her with his love and power, changing her heart.

Love Heals

Divine healing flows out of the love of God for the person in front of us. Love and compassion can bring healing to the whole person, rather than just addressing the physical symptoms.

Connie is a strong, independent lady, and not in the habit of giving outward displays of emotion. Initially, she looked doubtful when we shared with her in words that God loves her, but when she felt his presence and received healing, I believe she felt loved. I hope to see Connie again soon, and ask her what difference this encounter has made in her life.













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Life Without Fear

Fear, Shock and Trauma

When my daughter was a young child, she broke her leg quite badly, while playing outdoors. The surgeon told me it was a complex operation, and he anticipated that he would need to attach a metal pin to the bone. However, the operation was more straightforward than he initially expected, and no pin was required.

Throughout the whole process, people had been praying, and I believe this played a large part in the positive outcome from surgery.

After a few weeks of using a wheelchair, with her leg in a plaster cast, my daughter then received physiotherapy, and had to learn how to walk unaided again.

Unfortunately, after all the shock and trauma of the accident, my daughter became very fearful of walking. Her personality changed from being a happy, outward focused little girl, to being unconfident, and terrified of falling and injuring herself again.

Injury or sickness can shake our self confidence, and significant trauma can be a gateway to fear.

Praying for the Whole Person


At that time, I had been training with my local Healing Rooms, and I was learning how to pray for the whole person, rather than simply addressing the physical symptoms.

There is a verse in the Bible, (2 Timothy 1:7), which says: “God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.”

One evening, I sat down next to my daughter and spoke this verse over her. I prayed to break the power of shock and trauma, so that fear could no longer have a hold over her. My daughter listened and understood. There were a few tears, as she received the healing.

Life Without Fear

From that day onwards, she regained her confidence, and was very soon walking freely, riding her bicycle, and running around playing, as she had done before the accident.

Fear can creep up on us, steal our confidence, and prevent us from receiving our healing, but I believe God’s love and healing power is infinitely stronger than fear.



Surprised by God’s Voice

“How did you know that?”

The young guy looked at me in amazement, as I shared some prophetic words about his imagedestiny as a filmmaker and scriptwriter.

To be honest, I was most interested in getting John’s back healed. He had initially been reluctant to receive prayer, as he was on his way to work and didn’t have much time.

In truth, he was also sceptical about this bunch of people doing healing on the streets, and was suspicious that we might be trying to sell him some kind of religion. He had some fair questions about our motives, which we must have answered to his satisfaction, because he gave the okay for us to pray for him.

Heat and Healing

As we laid hands on John’s back, his face looked as if it might explode with surprise. “What’s that heat I can feel?” he said. “Don’t worry, that’s God’s power bringing healing,” I reassured him. (Quite a few people report feeling heat when we lay hands on them, but this doesn’t happen to everyone, and it isn’t essential that someone experiences this for healing to occur. Some people feel nothing at all and get healed).

As John was still trying to get his head around this sensation of heat and healing power on his back, God dropped this thought into my mind: “John is in the wrong job, and that is the cause of the backache.” I asked John about his job, and he told us he was a truck driver, working very long hours.

Destiny Words

My mouth opened and words started pouring out about John’s creativity, about his dreams of a different future as an artist, about his destiny. Then I said, “I believe God loves your creativity, and he wants to encourage you that it’s not too late to pursue your dreams.”

At this point I hadn’t heard from God specifically about John’s craft, only that he was an artist of some kind. This opened John up to share that he did, indeed, want to make art, through filmmaking and scriptwriting, but there was a battle going on in his mind, as to whether or not this was a realistic goal. His work was alternative, and he wondered if he could be successful, outside of the mainstream, being true to his art. His question was: “Do I have to settle for less, just to make a living?”



“Can we pray God’s blessing on your creativity, John, and for God’s favour to open the right doors for you?” He happily agreed to this, and as he left us, he looked encouraged, and seemed to have more of a spring in his step.


Because I rely on the Holy Spirit when I pray for people, sometimes I will hear words of knowledge and encouragement for them. It doesn’t happen every time, but when it does, it’s encouraging for me, too.

Holistic Healer

Why does God do this? Sometimes there are specific areas that the Holy Spirit is highlighting, to help in targeting healing prayer. Sometimes I believe Jesus likes to show up for us in a highly personal way, to demonstrate his love for us and his concern for every aspect of our lives. Jesus, the holistic healer, is interested in the whole person: the mind, body and spirit; and the hopes, fears and dreams that we carry. He is interested in our past, present and future.

Do you have hopes and dreams, as yet unfulfilled? Do you have regrets about choices you have made, or fears about the future? If you want to share in the comments, please do. If you would like healing prayer, or prayer about your job, your dreams for the future, or any other needs, please head over to the prayer requests page. We would love to pray for you.