Meet the Healer

Find Healing through Jesus Christ


Hi there!

A warm welcome to Meet the Healer.

This blog exists to share true stories of healing and hope through Jesus, to offer confidential prayer for anyone who has a need, and to connect with people who are on a journey into healing, wholeness and freedom.

The blog is anonymous, to protect the privacy of the people whose stories I share. Names and identifying details may be changed, and the stories abbreviated for ease of reading, but events are described as accurately as possible, just as they happened.


About the Writer

Healed and set free by Jesus, on a journey of intimate relationship with him; can often be found daydreaming, praying, or walking outdoors, enjoying the beauty of creation.

A mom, raising some very unique kids. No map, but an endless supply of grace.

Street healer, who goes out regularly with others, offering healing prayer on the streets of my local town in the UK.

Lover of stories. In particular, I love discovering individual stories – what makes people tick, their unique talents, their hopes and dreams. It makes me especially happy if I can encourage someone to step forwards into a more fulfilled, abundant life, becoming the person they are born to be, and doing those things they are called to do.



Do you have a need for physical or emotional healing?

Or maybe you have a friend or family member who is in need of healing?

Here at Meet the Healer, we believe that Jesus Christ heals today, and this healing is available for all.

Please head right on over to the prayer requests page if you would like free, confidential prayer for healing, or for any other needs. We would love to pray for you!


Further Information

Our prayer team are happy to pray for you, with no strings attached.

We are not qualified to give medical advice, and we do not recommend coming off prescription medication without consulting a medical professional.

2 thoughts on “About

  1. hoping for a healing of my left eye

  2. Hello Fran,
    Thanks so much for leaving a comment, and we will be happy to pray for healing for you!

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